This Week’s Epic Free Game: What’s free game right now?
This Week’s Epic Free Game |
This week, Epic is giving away the space action game Rebel Galaxy.
We clarify: What is the epic free game about and who should access it?
Not a week without an Epic gift: After the double packs in recent weeks, a single game is on the program again this time. It's about the space shooter Rebel Galaxy, which is in the tradition of classics such as Freelancer or Elite.
Rebel Galaxy had already been given away by Epic: So if you didn't get your chance last time, you can get it this time. Provided that the game meets your taste at all. With so many gifts nowadays, limited time is a rare commodity. That's why we help you and explain what kind of game Rebel Galaxy is and who could have fun with it.
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Rebel Galaxy offers an open world that you can explore freely with your spaceship. You cannot land on planets, but there is enough to do in a vacuum. You manage missions for clients and collect resources through mining. Artefacts and wrecks to loot also await daring explorers in a vacuum. In addition, you trade with all kinds of alien races and make improvements for your spaceship.
In the fight against pirates, you also need the extra firepower. The action scenes are atmospherically set in scenes with pretty light effects. A certain pirate feeling is created by the combat system, which is reminiscent of seafaring. This is how you fire powerful broadsides from your space cruisers.
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The whole thing comes in the tone of a space western - in the truest sense of the word because the rock soundtrack catches your ears! You can check it out on Spotify. On the other hand, our episode GameStar TV from 2015 offers something for the eye:
Suitable for
If you're wishing you back to the old days of Freelancers and Elite but you've already spent too much time in Elite Dangerous, Rebel Galaxy might be worth a look. So if you like a lot of freedom in space to do your own thing, you can try it for free.
On Metacritic, Rebel Galaxy achieved a good average of 75 points from 28 press reviews, players there also gave an average of 75. On Steam, Rebel Galaxy achieved 85 per cent positive ratings from users.
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You have a week: The campaign runs from August 12th to 19th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Anyone who accesses the game during this period can keep the game permanently.
Rebel Galaxy was first released for PC on October 20, 2015. The successor Rebel Galaxy Outlaw came out on August 13, 2019, and convinced us in the test with a good 80 points.