Pokémon Go: This is how you get Feelinara - the name trick and the buddy task

The eighth development of Eevee is now available in Pokémon Go: Feelinara. And as is the case with the Eevee developments, nothing is simply available to you, but you have to meet a few requirements first. What you have to do for a Feelinara in Pokémon Go, we tell you in the short guide.

Pokemon Go: This is how you get Feelinara
Pokemon Go: This is how you get Feelinara - the name trick and the buddy task

Feelinara: The name trick

Only once per Pokémon Go account can you specifically trigger an Eevee development by changing the name of the Eevee you have chosen. For Feelinara, the name you have to use is Kira. So just rename your Eevee to "Kira", invest 25 Eevee candies in the development, and voilà, you already have your first Feelinara. As a reminder, here is the list of other name trick names for Eevee in Pokémon Go. Remember: This type of targeted development only works once!

  • Eevee named Rainer becomes Aquana
  • Eevee named Sparky becomes Blitza
  • Eevee named Pyro becomes Flamara
  • Eevee named Sakura becomes Psiana
  • Eevee named Tamao becomes Night Macaw
  • Eevee named Linnea becomes Folipurba
  • Eevee named Rea becomes glaziola
  • Eevee named Kira becomes Feelinara

Feelinara: Your buddy

If you want to have more Feelinara, then you have to choose an Eevee for your buddy, in the best case of course the Eevee, which you also want to make Feelinara. With this Eevee you then have to earn 70 buddy hearts. Once you've done that, you can turn your Eevee into a Feelinara.

The Other Evolutions

You can get Glaziola and Folipurba as follows: If you stand at a Pokéstop with a glacier lock module and develop Eevee, your Eevee is guaranteed to become a Glaziola. If, on the other hand, there is a Pokéstop with a moss-lock module, your Eevee will develop into a Folipurba. However, make sure that your avatar is really under the Pokéstop.

Readmore > Pokémon GO: This is How The New Eevee Development Works

You can get Psiana and Nachtara in a targeted manner as follows: Run ten kilometers (or better a little more than 10 kilometers) and collect two candies with your Eevee, who is your friend. Important: This also applies during events where you can get candy for less than five kilometers. If you develop your buddy during the day, you will receive a psiana, and a night macaw at night. You can use this trick as often as you want. Eevee still has to be your buddy!

Apart from the name trick, Aquana, Blitza, and Flamara cannot be specifically developed.