Pakistan's Educational Institutions and Politics

Pakistan's Educational Institutions and Politics

Politics is not a bad thing, but politics is with man and with human societies

There are generally two types of politics

  • This is called Western or secular politics

  • Islamic Politics Connected with the Prophets and Completed at the End of the Prophets

The literal and corrective meaning of politics is very wide, but in short, the knowledge and practice through which societies are organized and institutions are run so that the necessary problems of mankind can be solved.

The West excelled in the sense that when the monarchy was abolished and the church (religion) was expelled from national and political affairs, thanks to scientific progress and science and art, the secular system of government was run in the name of democracy. I was shocked by this and at present, this system of governance is prevalent in most of the countries of the world and it is called politics.

The Middle East and Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh, and other African Islamic countries have been dictatorships for a while and still, in most Muslim countries, King Salamat's family is busy making waves, but thankfully countries like Turkey and Pakistan, and Bangladesh Although not ideal, the colors of the election can be seen four or five years later.

Since it will take a while for us to become the ideal of politics and to serve the people, we usually see very awkward demonstrations of this politics, such as all the educational institutions of Pakistan under Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Factories and mills and other entities such as PIA, Pakistan Steel, Pakistan Railways, etc. in the name of trade unions have entered into these enterprises, the results of which are currently billions of Pakistan's PIA and steel and railways earn billions. Being in deficit, they have become white elephants for the country and the nation.

In our country, the party that forms the government under the guise of democracy makes every effort to have its people in the unions from the bureaucracy to the markets and bazaars, which usually results in their People who are against politics try to thwart government institutions at every step or do not cooperate with them. Fed up with the same process and reaction and suffering the consequences, the two mainstream political parties of Pakistan signed the Charter of Democracy, but inside and behind the scenes, the same politics continued in which each other is harassed.

At present, in the last ten to fifteen years, members of these two political parties have held important positions and unions in all walks of life and the present government, which has come to power as a third force, is facing stiff resistance and is unable to deliver anything. Part of that is politics.

This aspect and meaning of politics have caused irreparable damage to the affairs of the country and the people and it may still take time to beautify it but the most implicit effects of politics in our country have been on our educational institutions especially universities.

In the appointment of Vice-Chancellors in universities, the last two major political parties have appointed people only after scrutinizing their respective powers. Who did in their tenor what they were told? These Vice-Chancellors referred to their political affiliation in universities in all matters.

In recent days, the Governor of Pakhtunkhwa, who is also the Chancellor of the universities, has instructed the Vice-Chancellors to refrain from associating with political figures and to keep their feet free from political contamination. The Governor was probably working with mystical ignorance, otherwise who doesn't know which party, which ideology and which group the Vice-Chancellor belongs to. Observing political thought is by no means flawed or forbidden, the only problem is that no one has given up his views, no one else has been teased and in editorial matters, the fear of God has acted with justice and moderation and the interests of the institution. And prioritize development over everything else.

Politics has been going on, will continue to go on because democratic governments come into being based on politics. From the Prime Minister to the Chief Ministers to the Ministers and Councilors, all the educational institutions have student wings as well as teachers' wings and the Vice-Chancellors are affiliated with one or the other group of teachers but some teachers are trapped between groups. Which, of course, comes with coercion as well as the demands and requirements of politics. It would be commendable if someone took concrete steps to rid these institutions of these things. But it seems a little difficult.